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瑞士洛桑大学(法语:Université de Lausanne,缩写UNIL),是瑞士的一所有着全面教育的综合性大学,位于西南部沃州的洛桑市。该校前身是成立于1537年的Schola Lausannensis,首要任务是为教堂培养神职人员。

瑞士洛桑大学是当时拥有全国惟一的法语新教神学院。1890年升格为大学。洛桑大学采用法国教育模式,但有细微差别·洛桑大学现有7个学院,具体为:神学与宗教研究学院、法律与司法学院、艺术学院、社会与政治科学学院、工商与经济学院(HEC Lausanne)、地球科学与环境学院、生物学院和医学院。法律与犯罪学、生物学、医药学、地理学、环境学等学科是洛桑大学实力较强的学科。洛桑大学在瑞士本国、欧洲及至世界上都具有良好的声誉。上海交通大学2008年世界大学学术排名将洛桑大学排在瑞士第7位、欧洲第80-124位、世界第201-302位。英国《泰晤士高等教育》与QS公司联合发布的2008年世界大学排名将洛桑大学排在瑞士第6位、世界第161位。

15 Fully funded PhD studentships in Quantitative Biology

The advent of large-throughput data is transforming life sciences into an increasingly quantitative discipline. The University of Lausanne (Switzerland) is at the forefront of this revolution, with quantitative research ramping up throughout the Faculty of Biology and Medicine, a dedicated department of Computational Biology, and interdisciplinary units such as the Center for Integrative Genomics. UNIL also hosts the headquarters of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, to which many quantitative research groups are affiliated, and closely collaborates with EPFL on the same campus. Ideally situated along the lake of Geneva, near Lausanne's city center, UNIL brings together over 120 nationalitie.
UNIL's Faculty of Biology and Medicine has a recently launched a doctoral programme entitled "Quantitative Biology". A wide range of research groups are recruiting PhD students, covering areas as diverse as evolution, synthetic biology, plant science, cancer genomics, microbiology, molecular biology, neuroscience, biological imaging, and computational biology.

Job information
Expected start date: 01.03.2020 or to be agreed
Contract length: The initial contract is for one year and is extendable to a total of 4-5 years.
Activity rate: 80-100%

Workplace: University of Lausanne, Dorigny

Your qualifications
We are accepting applications from talented and enthusiastic candidates who are interested in a dynamic, well-supported lab at a top research institution. Candidates need to finish a Master’s degree in a relevant area before the start date of their doctoral studies.
We are looking for three main types of PhD students:
Students with a life science degree, interested in working in an experimental lab, but with a high degree of motivation to learn the fundamentals of computational biology, and to develop quantitative skills to analyze data more effectively
Students with a life science degree interested in working in a dry computational lab, keen to deepen their quantitative skills and broaden their horizon in terms of experimental and computational techniques
Students with a non-biological background (e.g. computer science, maths, physics), who are highly motivated to transition to Life Sciences
A high level of written and spoken English proficiency is required since most scientific activities are conducted in English.
What the position offers you
You will develop your research project while working in a world competitive, interdisciplinary and highly collaborative environment.
The PhD program in Quantitative Biology provides opportunities for professional training and acquisition of highly transferable skills. This is complemented by a wide range of activities (retreats, symposia, student life).
The position is fully funded. Salary and benefits are internationally highly competitive. Additional funding for consumables, computing, and to attend international conferences is available.

Your application
Please, send your full application in Word or PDF here.
It should contain:
Motivation letter (max. one page)
Curriculum vitae including, if available, extracurricular activities, internships, publications, conferences, awards, software contributions, etc.
Master’s thesis summary (max. one page)
The names and contact details of 2-3 referees

Contact us
QQ: 3344961433
Wechat: Boshiqiao_001
email: bsqiao@gmail.com
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