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日内瓦大学是瑞士日内瓦州的一所公立大学。前身是1559年约翰·加尔文建立的日内瓦学院·1873年建立医学系后,正式更名为大学。日内瓦大学每年开展不同学科的240多种学位教育以及约150种继续教育项目。2005年度之前,大学采用法国学位系统,即学位分学士(Licence)、深入研究文凭(DEA)和博士(Doctorat)三级。在此之后,根据欧洲29国教育部长签署的博洛尼亚宣言精神,大学的学位系统逐步与欧洲各国接轨。学校的教学科研系统包括7个学院和两个附属学校。7个学院分别是理学院、医学院、文学院、经济和社会科学学院、心理学与教育科学学院。属于校部领导与学院平行的还有两个学院:一个是建筑学院,一个是传播和交流学院。 跨学院研究所和中心有:古代中东历史研究中心,改革历史研究所,大学计算机中心,大学人文生态与环境科学中心,大学能源问题研究中心,大学劳动生态问题研究中心等。学校规模仅次于苏黎世大学排在瑞士第二位。

Project Description

The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway is a major contributor to embryonic development, and tissue homeostasis and stem cell maintenance in children and adults. For its correct function it relies on the primary cilium, a microtubule-based organelle, that dynamically organizes a variety of pathway components. Dysregulation of Hh signaling and/or ciliogenesis contributes to a plethora of human diseases, ranging from developmental disorders to cancer. To enhance our understanding of ciliary signaling and enable its manipulation, there is a need for the development of small-molecule compounds with a defined mechanism-of-action and cellular target. In this project, a CRISPR-based genetic screening platform[1] is implemented for mechanism-of-action and target ID studies of inhibitors of the Hedgehog pathway and/or cilia. 

The Hoogendoorn lab is a newly established chemical biology lab at the University of Geneva. We are interested in the development and application of chemical tools to biological problems, in particular cellular signaling mediated by the primary cilium. We use a highly interdisciplinary approach, combining organic chemistry, molecular and cell biology, and genetics to generate new tools and enhance our understanding of cellular signaling. 

We are looking for a highly motivated Ph.D. student with a M.Sc. in Chemical Biology, Chemistry, Biology or a related field that is excited about an interdisciplinary research project. Good English communication skills (both written and oral) are essential. The successful candidate will join the Department of Organic Chemistry and the NCCR Chemical Biology at the University of Geneva. 

Start date as soon as possible upon mutual agreement. 

Applications should include your complete CV, a letter of motivation stating your research interests and any research experience related to the field or a relevant field of study, and contact details of 2/3 persons for references. 

Contact us
QQ: 3344961433
email: bsqiao@gmail.com
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